Dxfer_len: The length of the user memory for data transfer. dxferlen:数据传输的用户内存的长度。
Memory pages that are modified during the transfer are marked as dirty. 在传输期间修改的内存页面被标为dirty。
DMA technology is another similar kind of mechanism that can perform the memory transfer without the CPU assistance. 的DMA技术,是另一个类似的机制,可以执行的记忆不转让的CPU援助。
The reduce() function operates on one or more lists of intermediate results by fetching the each from memory, disk, or a network transfer and performing a function on each element of each list. Reduce()函数把从内存,磁盘或者网络介质提取过来的一个或多个中间结果列表,对列表中的每个元素逐一执行一个函数。
Memory Card Reader allows easy transfer of data. 记忆卡阅读器允许简单的数据传输。
A table that contains a list of transfer instructions of all the programs that are in main memory which enables transfer of control to be made from one program to another program. 一种包含主存中所有程序的转移指令目录的表。用它能实现从一个程序到另一个程序的转移。
The secret to developing a good memory is learning how to transfer useful information from short-term memory to long-term memory and how to retrieve that information when needed. 培养好的记忆力的诀窍是:学会怎样将有用的信息从短记忆转换为长记忆,学会需要时怎样回忆起这些信息。
Direct memory access transfer 存储器直接存取传送
Reflection of reality can be the memories of each and every viewer of a self judgment and thought, Insights as we look back and remember our youth and memory& a transfer of happiness. 而是对现实的反映,是每一个观者自我回忆的一种判断与思想,好像我们回头感悟我们自己的青春与记忆的镜子&一种传递的幸福。
Set up, memory, transfer and illegible control control of welding parameters extend application range. 焊接参数的预置,存储和调用,模糊控制等扩大了应用范围。
Han Dongping, from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, suggests that longevity can be realized by means of cloned memory transfer. 韩东屏教授试图通过“克隆转忆人”技术,实现“永生不死”的梦想,但“克隆转忆人”即使技术上可为,也未必当求。
To accumulate collective memory of mankind and to transfer historical experiences into consciousness of existence with history; 通过历史学积累人类的集体记忆,把历史的经验教训转化为存在的自觉;
The results showed that TAP had a significant effect on the discrimination of prospective memory and transfer efficiency, but had no significant effect on the judgement of prospective menory. 结果发现:TAP效应对前瞻记忆的辨别力指标和传递效率的影响达到了显著性水平,而对于前瞻记忆判断标准的影响未达到显著水平。
And whether pulmonary local memory lymphocytes may transfer this kind of inflammation. 肺局部淋巴细胞能否传递此种炎症记忆。
Finally, memory mapping, DMA data transfer interrupt handling and cache coherency issues in real-time operating system design are described in detail. 最后,阐述了实时操作系统下内存映射、DMA数据传输、中断处理和高速缓存一致性的使用方法。
In order to monitor and predict mine belt conveyor fire, a new shape memory alloy temperature transducer and transfer are developed. 为了监测和预防胶带输送机火灾事故,研制了一种用于托辊超温和环境超温监测的形状记忆合金温度传感器与变送器。
With a single factor design and 30 participants from ECNU, this research studied the prospective memory transfer appropriate processing ( TAP) effect under a double task paradigm when prospective task is data driven. 本研究采用单因素实验设计,以30名大学生为被试,基于双重任务范式,考察了前瞻任务为材料驱动的情况下,前瞻记忆语音、字形适当迁移加工(transfer-appropriateProcessing,TAP)效应。
The interface uses a circuit based on dual port FIFO buffer memory to realize data transfer of different I/ O velocity between the two computers. 该接口采用双端口FIFO缓冲存储技术,实现两机间不同I/O速度的数据通信。
Transaction middleware mainly offers interfaces to the local application. Many literatures show it uses shared memory to transfer messages with static assignment and queuing management. 交易中间件主要面向本地应用提供接口,大量文献表明,交易中间件一般运用共享存储区方式传递消息且采用静态分配方式下的队列管理方式。
Design of Data Memory Interface Based on PDT Transfer in DSP Video Image Real-time Processing System 基于PDT传输的DSP视频图像实时处理系统数据存储器接口设计
Wisconsin card sorting test ( WCST): It mainly detected abstract ability, concept formation, selective memory and transfer ability of cognition, and it reflected performance function of decision of frontal lobe. 威斯康星卡片分类测验:其主要测定抽象能力、概念形成、选择性记忆和认知过程的转移能力,它反映了额叶的决策执行功能。
The Microcomputer's Memory and Transfer of the Information about Forecasting Forest Pests 森林害虫测报资料的电脑存贮和应用
This paper brings forward a solution based on shared disk and memory, which can transfer message between user interface and SCSI controller reliably. 本文提出了基于共享磁盘和共享内存的应用程序与内核之间的通讯方案,实现了嵌入式虚拟磁带库中的用户界面和SCSI控制器之间可靠的消息传递。
Off-chip memory latency is mainly determined by DRAM latency, and memory bandwidth is determined by data transfer rate through the memory bus. 片外存储系统的访存延迟主要由DRAM延迟决定,带宽则是由内存总线的数据传输率所决定。
The problem of image data loss was solved by comparing the number of SOF ( Start Of Frame) and DMA ( Direct Memory Access) transfer interrupt. 通过比较SOF(StartOfFrame)中断和DMA(DirectMemoryAccess)传送结束中断,有效地解决了图像数据丢失的问题。
Organizational memory transfer and duplication play an important role in establishing a solid organizational body of knowledge in the process of the organization's developments. 组织记忆的传递与复制是在组织发展过程中建立健全组织知识体系的重要组成部分。
Objective To investigate if there is long-lived inflammatory memory in the lung with persistent asthmatic airway inflammation; and whether pulmonary local memory lymphocytes may transfer this kind of inflammation. 目的探索持续存在哮喘气道炎症时,肺中是否可能存在长期的炎症记忆;肺局部淋巴细胞能否传递此种炎症记忆。
With this support in hardware directly, the NIC need to access physical memory only once for each message transfer. Thus the communication efficiency is improved. 网卡在数据通信过程中,只需访问一次内存,从而提高了通信效率。
Based of these, from the use of knowledge visualization to improve the working memory, facilitating knowledge transfer and supporting knowledge rebuild, this paper put forward three kinds of application strategies of knowledge visualization. 在此基础上,从利用知识可视化改善工作记忆、促进知识传递和辅助知识重构三个方面提出了知识可视化在教学中的应用策略。
Acting as the carrier of genetic information, DNA plays an especially important role in the course of genetic, such as memory, compilation, transfer and expression in cells, and expedites and controls the course of metabolism. 作为遗传信息的载体,DNA在生物体中参与遗传信息在细胞内的存储、编辑、传递和表达,从而促成新陈代谢的全部过程及其控制。